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Yesterday afternoon lzh and I wandered over to Beiyu (English). I wanted to look at
ramblings of an expat Kiwi living in one small corner of Beijing
Yesterday afternoon lzh and I wandered over to Beiyu (English). I wanted to look at
So I said I’d write something about that latest article I downloaded from the Sino-Platonic
Came across this from Pinyin Info yesterday. Sino-Platonic papers has released another back issue (pbloodydbloodyf
So I stuck with To Live for my Chinese study last night. Really, I’ve had
I hate language textbooks. I think I’m more than qualified to say that, having spent
A text from the 课外阅读 at the end of Unit 8 in my textbook is
From a comment on this post on Peking Duck, I found this article, and it
Just learnt a new word: 彻底/che4 di3, meaning thorough or penetrating. How? SMS. Texted lzh
Sinosplice John has a post up looking at the differences in usage between English ‘my’
So yesterday I mentioned finding an article explaining how Peking became Beijing. At the time,