
I’m trying, but so far not really succeeding, to find out if the 红巾军起义 has an established, accepted English name. Wikipedia was not helpful. My history books are all up in the village. Google seems to think I only want search results written entirely in Chinese. I think I’m just going to have to make up my own English name and hope somebody comes along to correct me.

About the Author


A Kiwi teaching English to oil workers in Beijing, studying Chinese in my spare time, married to a beautiful Beijing lass, consuming vast quantities of green tea (usually Xihu Longjing/西湖龙井, if that means anything to you), eating good food (except for when I cook), missing good Kiwi ale, breathing smog, generally living as best I can outside Godzone and having a good time of it.

3 thoughts on “grr

  1. I’ve seen it done as the “Red Turban Uprising,” I think, after the 黄巾 Yellow Turban uprising earlier.

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