Posted by wangbo in life in Beijing on May 29, 2009
It’s strange how illnesses develop sometimes.
Yesterday started with me waking at 5, unable to get back to sleep. Bugger it, I thought, might as well get up, check my email and the news, surf for a bit before we head up to the village.
A couple of hours later, my mood plummeted into a deep depression and all the energy drained from my body. But after maybe an hour, I managed to get up enough energy to contemplate getting my shoes on and leaving. In hindsight, it wasn’t any mood issue, I guess it was whatever infection was starting to wreak its merry havoc in my gut sucking up all the energy in my body like some mad electric vampire.
We were just approaching the gate when suddenly my mouth went dry and my stomach turned, like I was about to vomit. Felt a bit light-headed, too. So we headed back home to see if we have any medicine. Nope. And as lzh was searching the medicine cabinet, I sprinted for the toilet, and not to vomit.
I imagine I must’ve looked fairly pale and drained as I re-emerged, cos I was certainly feeling worse. And it was the kind of feeling bad that is not conducive to travel over a plain, across a mountain range, then across a basin by at least three forms of transport, especially when holiday crowds are added to the equation. Last thing anybody wants is to be stuck on a crowded bus in holiday traffic on the Badaling Expressway Carpark with no kind of privacy, let alone a toilet, in sight feeling like their gut is about to explode. The most likely prayer to arise from such a situation would perhaps be “Dear God, why did you have to choose such a messy way for me to go? And so unpleasant for my fellow passengers?”
Anyways, so the holiday turned into me crashing here trying to recover from whatever dreaded lurgy it was that laid me low, lzh heading up to the village alone. It’s been a brief reminder of both the advantages and disadvantages of bachelor life: Sure, I can do what I like, watch movies into the wee, small hours if I want, and so on, but there’s only so much fun in doing that alone, and besides, my wife is a better cook than me. As solitary as I can be, I have to admit life is better off shared.
But it seems lzh has been hit hard by the switch back to Country Time. This morning’s trip to the county town left her knocked out, so she’s staying out there one more night, heading back tomorrow morning. Country Time? Yeah, in my admittedly limited experience, Rural China functions by an entirely different clock to Urban China. Capitals because in so many respects the two are as different as America and New Zealand. Our trips out to the village result in a kind of jet-lag as we adjust to Country Time.
Not much happens around this corner of Beijing, which is why I like it down here. Strange as it may sound, the most interesting parts of a city are the boring parts. Most people don’t notice, though, because it takes so much time and patience to see how interesting such places can be. It’s a question of quiet, day-by-day observation rather than the in-your-face spectacularity most people seem to require these days (I blame Hollywood). But two things have grabbed my attention these past two days, two things that will seem completely inane to anyone reading this, because these things are small issues, not even issues, really, just two microscopically local things that for no particular reason grabbed my attention.
One is that a section of the wall around a neighbouring housing estate was torn down, and is now being rebuilt. At first I thought, hey, cool, a wall is coming down. (China seems to have a rather inordinate love of walls and fences. In fact, one of the things I loved about Changsha was the lack of walls and fences around the housing estates on the west bank of the Xiang River in the area I lived and also the open, unfenced and heavily-forested nature of the campuses of Hunan University and Hunan Normal University (the two are right next to each other at the foot of Yuelu Shan, and the lack of fences means their campuses blend together beautifully)). But they started rebuilding that section of wall as soon as they had knocked it down, and I realised today they’ve built it higher than it was. Oh well.
And then as I was sitting in the campus Muslim Restaurant- which sits on the northwest corner of the campus and looks outward, meaning if you choose your seat well, you get a good view of goings-on outside that corner of our campus- I noticed on the northeast corner of the intersection a very bored-looking young man dressed head to toe in those cheap camouflage fatigues popular among the labouring classes, black cloth shoes, and white socks and with a red armband sitting on a stool in the shad of a tree. I have no idea what he was doing. I was too far away to see what may have been written on his armband, and I didn’t see much point in getting any closer, having no business on that side of the road and lacking the energy and intestinal confidence to stray unnecessarily. At one point, somebody, just as young but dressed in more civilian clothes, did seem to talk to him for a couple of minutes, but otherwise this lad just sat there, staring westwards.
You do see red armbands appearing around this area at “sensitive” times. March’s Two Meetings (NPC and CPPCC) seem to bring them out. Last summer was the classic example. But they’re usually middle-aged or elderly people and there’s always a reason. I haven’t seen any sign of increased security in this neighbourhood, nor could I see any reason for extra security on that particular street at lunchtime today.
So here I am, alone, uninspired, trying to find something to write about. If you’ve read this far, all I can say is: I’m surprised.
HIV accelerates ageing?
I read an intriguing piece in Le Monde this morning before I’d gone for a walk, gotten lunch, and gotten blood flowing back to my brain, which noted that HIV+ patients how are now living longer thanks to new treatments, are even so ageing faster than the rest of the population, developing conditions of ageing markedly earlier than normal. I will now demonstrate for all the world to say just how badly my French has deteriorated over the last 10 years by translating at least some of it, perhaps all:
It has been lumbered with a rather dumbed-down headline, but what do you expect, Le Monde is mainstream media?
Le sida accélère le vieillissement
AIDS accelerates ageing
Umm, well, no, but nevermind:
Les personnes infectées par le virus du sida (VIH) vieillissent-elles plus vite que les autres ? Différentes études en apportent des preuves, comme l’a illustré un séminaire de recherche clinique de l’Agence nationale de recherche sur le sida et les hépatites virales (ANRS), qui s’est tenu à Paris début mai.
Do people infected with the AIDS virus (HIV) age faster than others? Different studies have shown evidence of this, as a clinical research seminar of the National Agency for AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Research (ANRS) held at the start of May in Paris showed.
L’évolution de cette maladie vers un profil de maladie chronique dans les pays développés s’est accompagnée d’une espérance de vie proche de celle de la population générale pour les personnes efficacement traitées. Cliniciens et chercheurs ont cependant constaté chez des sujets porteurs du VIH l’apparition de pathologies métaboliques, cognitives ou cardio-vasculaires associées au vieillissement à un âge nettement plus précoce que dans la population générale.
The evolution of this disease towards one with the profile of a chronic illness in developed countries has been accompanied with a life expentancy for those treated effectively close to that of the general population. Clinicians and researchers, however, have noted the appearance of metabolic, cognitive or cardio-vascular pathologies associated with ageing among HIV carriers at an age markedly younger than in the general population.
Cette sénescence prématurée est une réalité sur le plan biologique et clinique. “La comorbidité associée au vieillissement (ostéoporose, pathologies neurologiques, diabète, anomalies des lipides, cancers, etc.) apparaît dès 45-50 ans chez les patients VIH +, alors qu’elle touche les sujets de 65 ans et plus dans la population générale”, remarque la professeure Jacqueline Capeau (Inserm UMR 938, université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris), qui dirige le groupe de travail de l’ANRS sur ce thème.
This premature senescence is a biological and clinical reality. “Comorbidity associated with ageing (osteoporosis, neurological pathologies, diabetes, anomalies with lipids, cancers, etc) appear between 45 and 50 years of age in HIV+ patients, when they affect people over 65 in the general population”, notes professor Jacqueline Capeau (Inserm UMR 938, université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris), who directs the ANRS’ work group on this subject.
Ce phénomène est observé pour les troubles cognitifs dans les résultats préliminaires d’une étude baptisée CogLoc. “Les résultats concernant les 323 patients déjà inclus, d’un âge médian de 46 ans, montrent qu’une personne séropositive sur cinq présente des déficits légers ou modérés (avec dans ce cas un retentissement sur la vie quotidienne). Ces troubles ne touchent que de 3 % à 5 % de la population générale âgée de plus de 65 ans”, indique la professeure Geneviève Chêne (Inserm U897, Institut de santé publique, d’épidémiologie et de développement, université Victor-Segalen, Bordeaux), responsable de l’étude avec le professeur Patrick Dehail (CHU de Bordeaux).
This phenomenon is observed in cognitive problems in the preliminary results of a study named CogLoc. “The results for the 323 people already included, with a median age of 46, show that one fifth of HIV+ people present light or moderate deficits (affecting, in this case, everyday life). These troubles only affect 3% to 5% of the general population aged over 65”, says Professor Geneviève Chêne (Inserm U897, French Institute for Public Health, Epidemiology and Development, université Victor-Segalen, Bordeaux), responsible for the study with Professor Patrick Dehail (CHU de Bordeaux).
Lancée en 2007 par l’ANRS, l’étude CogLoc évalue la fréquence des troubles cognitifs et locomoteurs chez les patients infectés par le VIH, au sein de la “cohorte Aquitaine”. Les troubles cognitifs apparaissent corrélés à différents facteurs généraux : âge, niveau d’études plus bas, traumatisme crânien dans l’enfance, syndrome dépressif. Mais, ils sont également en relation avec l’avancement de l’infection par le VIH : “Les patients dont la maladie est la plus avancée présentent le plus de troubles cognitifs. Toutes les fonctions cognitives ne sont pas affectées de la même façon. Les capacités verbales et lexicales sont plus touchées que la mémoire”, souligne la professeure Chêne.
Launched in 2007 by the ANRS, the CogLoc study evaluated cognitive and locomotive problems in patients infected with HIV, within the “Aquitaine cohort”. Cognitive problems seem to be associated with different general factors: age, lower level of education, childhood head injury, depression. But there is equally a relationship with the advancement of HIV infection: “Patients in whom the disease is more advanced present more cognitive problems. All the cognitive functions are affected the same way. Verbal and lexical capacity are more affected than memory,” emphasised Professor Chêne.
Comment expliquer ce phénomène de vieillissement prématuré ? “En plus de l’hygiène de vie et surtout du tabagisme, trois facteurs peuvent jouer : le virus lui-même, le déficit immunitaire et les traitements antirétroviraux”, avance la professeure Capeau.
How to explain this phenomenon of premature ageing? “In addition to hygiene and especially smoking, three factors can be at play here: The virus itself, immune deficiency, and anti-retroviral treatments,” suggests Professor Capeau.
Même lorsque l’infection est bien contrôlée, le virus continue de se répliquer dans différents compartiments du corps appelés “réservoirs”. C’est le cas, notamment dans les macrophages. Très ubiquitaires, ces cellules qui participent aux défenses immunitaires infectent d’autres cellules dans les tissus voisins. L’activation sans relâche du système immunitaire aboutit à son épuisement et à une forme d’“immunosénescence”, explique la professeure Capeau. Enfin, certains antirétroviraux possèdent une toxicité cellulaire susceptible d’entraîner un vieillissement précoce.
Even when the infection is well controlled, the virus continues to replicate in different compartments of the body called reservoirs. It’s especially true in macrophages. Very widely spread, these cells of the immune sysem infect other cells in neighbouring tissues. The relentless activation of the immune system ends in its exhaustion and a form of “immunosenescence”, explains Professor Capeau. Finally, certain anti-retrovirals have a cellular toxicity likely to lead to early ageing.
Un mécanisme possible a été identifié. Il impliquerait une protéine, la lamine A/C, présente dans le noyau des cellules où elle contribue au maintien de la membrane nucléaire. Des mutations du gène de cette protéine sont en cause dans différentes maladies, dont certaines lipodystrophies (anomalies de la répartition des graisses) et la progéria, une forme de vieillissement accéléré.
A possible mechanism has been identified. It implicates a protein, Lamin A/C, presented in the nuclei of cells where it contributes to the maintenance of the nuclear membrane. Some genetic mutations of the gene for this protein lead to different diseases, including certain Lipodystrophies (“abnormal or degenerative conditions of the body’s adipose tissues” (wikipedia)) and Progeria, a form of accelerated ageing.
Reste enfin des conclusions médicales et médico-sociales à tirer du vieillissement prématuré des personnes infectées par le VIH. D’une part, mettre en oeuvre chez elles des explorations spécifiques afin de rechercher les manifestations d’une sénescence précoce. D’autre part, mener une réflexion sur l’éventuelle nécessité de créer des structures spécifiques pour la prise en charge institutionnelle de ces malades, lorsque la question se posera pour eux d’aller en maison de retraite.
There are still medical and medico-social conclusions to be drawn from this premature ageing of people infected with HIV. On the one hand, initiating specific investigations to research the manifestations of an early ageing. On another hand, leading a reflection on the eventual neccisity of creating specific structures for taking these patients into institutional care when the question of entering a retirement home arises for them.
Well, I definitely read French faster than Chinese, even after all these years, but I suspect this translation is no more accurate than anything I’ve translated from Chinese. Help, anyone?
rescuing girls… but details, please
I’m going to break my long silence (I’ll be very glad, and probably a lot more blogductive, when this semester’s over) with a very short, yet intriguing article in today’s 新京报/The Beijing News:
Shanxi rescues 67 kidnapped women and children
The report comes from a Xinhua release and the journalist named is one Hu Jingguo. Trouble is, it’s very short and kinda short on details. Anyway, here it is:
This reporter learned from the Shanxi Province Public Security Department that since the launch of a special “anti-trafficking” operation, Shanxi has broken 5 large criminal gangs within 40 days and rescued 67 trafficked women and children.
From April 9, when the Ministry of Public Security deployed Public Security organs throughout the country on a special “anti-trafficking” operation, to May 18, Shanxi has solved 37 cases, detained 37 people, and rescued 36 trafficked children and 31 trafficked women.
Now, this is, of course, superb news, but it leaves me hungry for more information….. Google to the rescue…. or not. Oh dear, the only Google news result is the same article published on Netease. Baidu? Hexun, this time, but otherwise just as useless. Shanxi Youth News seems to be even less helpful.
So I guess I’m just going to have to wonder about the rest of this story, all that stuff that didn’t make it through Xinhua, unless anybody out there can find any more info than I’m getting.
Posted by wangbo in tilting at windmills on May 15, 2009
Lawrence James Daly
7 October 1921 to 28 March 2009
Today the promised DVD of Grandad’s funeral and the CD with the pictures used at the funeral arrived. I’m not sure what I can say about watching my Grandfather’s funeral on DVD. I could almost feel his presence, like that big, strong, wise man who was such an important part of my childhood was watching from a close distance. My wife is convinced I look like him. I was surprised, but not surprised, to discover that his favourite book of the Bible is Romans. Romans and Ecclesiastes are my favourites. The photo of him as a soldier holding his trombone is one I somehow very clearly remember seeing when I was little. I also played the trombone in my younger days.
There was many a comment made on his garden. My mum and one of her multitude of brothers seemed a little jealous at just what us grandkids could get away with in Grandad’s garden. Uncle Ray said that sometime last year when Grandad had pneumonia, he recovered, saying that he’d arrived at the Pearly Gates, but he was told to go back, they weren’t ready for him yet. Yeah, they were still fixing up Heaven’s vege gardens, getting everything planted in neat, regimental rows all properly labelled.
Is it possible for somebody’s death to leave both a gap and an eternal presence?
nanking! nanking!
Posted by wangbo in tilting at windmills on May 12, 2009
Watched 《南京!南京!》/City of Life and Death last night. It was filmed in a cool, black and white, hand-held camera, following the people kind of way, as if it were assembled from documentary footage of the actual rape of Nanjing. But that’s about all the good I can say for the film.
Yes, it was brutal, but:
- It was brutal right up to the point where the censors start reaching for their scissors, but no more than that, and far from brutal enough to start discussing where to cut, let alone what to ban; and
- I’m not the kind of freak that gets his jollies from watching brutality.
Those scenes dealing with rape and forced prostitution, for example, were tactless enough to leave you in no doubt as to what was being portrayed, but far from graphic. Those scenes dealing with mass murder, the machine-gunning of masses of people, were far, far from Saving Ryan’s Privates, didn’t even approach 《集结号》/Assembly‘s level of battle scene graphic-ness. I found it all rather dulled-down, softened.
But it was just a boring film, really. The story didn’t grab me, precious few of the characters held my interest, and those that did were only very mildly interesting, like the old, scrappy white bearded, stooped, walking-sticked beggar I saw on the subway the other day who had a can of Yanjing beer in the drink-holder of his fairly new looking backpack. Interesting enough to notice, not interesting enough to tell your friends about, in other words.
A lot like Zhang Yimou’s recent martial arts films, really: Cool cinematography and use of colour (but in completely different ways), and that’s… ah… about… it… um… yeah…
And the title of this post? I’m pretty sure I saw the English name ‘Nanking! Nanking!’ in the opening credits instead of City of Life and Death, or whatever the official English name of the film is.
Oh, and it’s completely irrelevant, but that beggar I saw on the subway the other day I mentioned, the one with a can of Yanjing beer in the drink-holder of his new-looking backpack: I’m pretty sure I remember his clothes looking like they’d been bought new from a late 1970s National Geographic article on a trip through southwest China. Just saying.
And lzh’s verdict (on the film, I mean, she didn’t see the beggar): 没有什么plot. 乱七八糟的。(No plot. Messy.)
into the wilds
Posted by wangbo in life in Beijing on May 10, 2009
It’s been a long time since I was last in Haidian, but a friend of lzh’s got married out that way today, so off we went.
I’ve always hated Xizhimen. It’s a collossal, busy mess. When I first moved to Beijing, I’d pass through Xizhimen fairly often, and it took me forever to figure the place out. Of course, it’s also constantly changing… Anyway:
- Alright, there’s lots of construction being done there, and construction creates mess. Nothing to be done.
- Sure, but is making the northern end of the platform of Xizhimen’s Line 2 station entry only and forcing passengers for Line 13 or the northern exits walk a ridiculous loop right round the station really the best solution?
- Still, it is nice that you no longer need to go outside to transfer from Line 2 to Line 13 (and presumably vice versa).
Ah well, we escaped Xizhimen and found ourselves a bus up to Xiaotun. Neither of us really knew where Xiaotun was, just that it’s somewhere in Haidian. So the bus comes, we get on and sit down, it takes us off in what turned into a weird zig-zag through Haidian that wound up killing my sense of direction.
At first, of course, we were moving through the high-rise jungle of downtown Haidian, all fancy new skyscrapers and shiny signs. We did an odd loop right round the Golden Resources mall, covering three of its four sides. Isn’t that supposed to be the biggest shopping mall in the world? If so, I was underwhelmed. And it has an odd facade, somewhat reminiscent of a kindergartner’s collage.
But the bus continued, and gradually the high-rises and shopping malls thinned out and the space opened up. Wasn’t long before we were in the low-rise fringes of urban Haidian with the hills steadily approaching.
Still we continued, getting more worried about whether we’d get there on time- as it turned out, we missed at least half the ceremony, unfortunately (well, fortunately for my ears- I like Chinese weddings, but my ears find the volume just a tad painful). And the buildings thinned still further, with low-rise urban fringes giving way to almost semi-rural edge. Eventually the bus arrived at the Xiaotun stop, and we got off, finding ourselves at T-intersection trying to be a proper crossroads (one of the roads was little more than a country lane which didn’t get much respect from its better-built brethren and wasn’t fully open to the intersection), a recently-planted forest on one corner, a field of villas bisected by the T-part of the intersection on the opposite side, and an odd building looking half-Western/half-Chinese on the corner behind us. No sign of a hotel or restaurant where a wedding would be held.
lzh phoned and got dodgy directions, so asked around the locals. Eventually she found one who knew the place and pointed us in the right direction- the right direction being completely opposite of the one she had first been told to walk in. So off we go, and find ourselves entering some kind of “ecological park”- except all the trees look like the same species to me, and they’re planted in perfect rows like a field of soldiers. We follow the lane to some distant building and discover we’ve taken the back entrance. Walk around the building and find the main entrance, ask which of the multitude of weddings is the one we want, sign the guestbook, and we’re in.
We’re in a huge indoor space that seems to be made out of the human equivalent of spider web, thin steel posts and beams with what might be translucent silk, some kind of plastic, or some fancy glass stretched over it. And vegetation, plants everywhere. This huge space is divided into smaller spaces for each wedding by thin, pink curtains, meaning we can hear every other wedding in the building. We find ours, and find a table with spare seats and two of lzh’s university classmates.
As I said, we were late. Well, the bus driver didn’t help, proving a good example of how the word ‘geriatric’ could be applied to driving styles. Anyways, we’d made it, but only in time for the end of the ceremony. Oh well.
We still got the food and drink though. Still, our table turned out a little odd. There were 3 distinct groups: My wife and her classmates were one; then there were four people, evidently two couples, that my wife’s group didn’t know (and if they didn’t know, I couldn’t know); and me. Well, given the sheer amount of background noise, I couldn’t even hear anything my wife was saying, and she was sitting right next to me, so I simply couldn’t be any more sociable than I was. I could only eat, drink, and enjoy the spectacle from the point of view of a stone-deaf outsider, that’s the state the level of background noise from all the weddings had left me in. But those other four, well. Playing the lazy susan so that the food is always in front of your own group and the rest of the people have cigarettes they don’t smoke and drinks they don’t want sitting in front of them is somewhat less than polite.
Still, I somehow managed to get a good enough feed. lzh helped by loading me up with shrimp- I’d grab one, she’d dump two on my plate.
lzh decided that because we’d come so far, and there’s no knowing when the next time we’d be heading out that way would be, we might as well stop by the newlyweds’ house. So it was arranged for us to hitch a ride in some friend of the groom’s car and off we went, further out into the wilds, past another field of villas and more young, monocultural-looking forest, to an area of four-storey apartment blocks. Yeah, I guess up in the foothills space is not quite at such a premium as it is down here. And thence down to the row of apartment blocks overlooking those villas, and up to the fourth floor. The groom’s parents had one of the fourth floor apartments, and the newlyweds the other, nice and convenient. Not big apartments, mind, but certainly with space enough and kitted-out well, and with windows open wide to get that cool mountain breeze.
Well, we weren’t quite in the mountains, but in that odd space, that wide, flat area where the valleys are opening out into the plain, somewhere up behind the Summer Palace. A nice area, if perhaps a bit too empty. It’s hard to judge from such a short trip, but there didn’t seem to be much in the way of community. A proper, long-established village up there would’ve been very attractive.
And as we were sitting in their apartment, an Avril Lavigne concert came on TV. Oh dear. If this is the state of modern Western rock, I’m very glad to be living in Beijing. This concert came with the lyrics in bilingual subtitles, just to make sure we got what she was singing about. Their ‘look’ was enough, but the lyrics took the cake: I was left with my first impression strongly reinforced: A bunch of kids from affluent families taking regular teen angst and turning it into the closest approximation they can of ‘suffering’. Elevator music, in other words.
Anyways, after a bit we got back in the same car, a Nissan Tiida, I believe, and we were taken back into the urbs and dropped at Suzhoujie’s Line 10 station- perfect, claim a seat and just sit until we reach the terminus, the terminus, Jinsong, being the closest subway stop to our place. lzh took advantage of the convenience of Line 10 by sleeping off the excitement on my bony shoulder. She must’ve been exhausted if she could sleep on such an uncomfortable shoulder.
But that wee Nissan was a pretty sweet ride. Very roomy and comfortable despite its diminutive size, very quiet, and, well, I don’t know, having been only a passenger, but it seemed pretty easy to drive. It accelerated with ease, seemed to handle comfortably. Pretty nice.
So we’re back from our little adventure out into the wilds of Haidian. It’s an intriguing area, quite attractive, but on the whole, I think it’s better down here in Chaoyang.
Posted by wangbo in life in Beijing on May 9, 2009
The conversation took a turn along these lines:
San Fran: But was his shirt tucked in or out? Pink shirts should never be tucked in.
Me: It’s simply illegal for men to wear pink.
Boston: Y’know, pink shirts were all the rage in the 70s.
Me: Yeah, and as a result, the UN Security Council in 1981 passed Resolution 2014 forbidding the wearing of pink by all men. It’s just plain wrong, and has been straight out illegal since then.
Please note: I was not being entirely serious, and apart from certain factual details, I am not being entirely serious with the rest of this post. Anyway, that was a couple of days ago, and since then- as a subconscious result of that conversation or perhaps because it’s becoming fashionable again, I don’t know- I’ve been seeing more and more men wearing pink shirts.
But today takes the cake. Today I was sitting in a window seat at a nearby restaurant I visit infrequently- it’s a friendly enough place and the boss is decent, but the food is merely edible and does not justify the very slightly longer walk- when a man parked his Suzuki Swift outside. A Swift- so what? Indeed, so what? I’ve always been partial to smaller cars, they’re much more fun to drive. But this Swift was painted the kind of 13-year-old-girl-and-her-Barbie-dolls pink that no car, no matter how “feminine” should ever be painted.
And here I was thinking that the apparent increase in pink shirts showed the decline in this city’s morals….
[ahem] Yeah, so I was sitting there alone in 不二家 eating lunch, nursing a beer or two, watching the world go by, sometimes pondering, mostly just feeling and absorbing. The group behind me sounded like their conversation was about to heat up, judging by some of the words thrown around, but they stayed calm. Off in the far corner a large group was getting stuck in to the booze and the- what’s the Irish word? craic?- and voices were raised in excitement and syllables drawn out in that beery attempt at emphasis and good-natured smack-down. The TV was on CCTV 5, which switched between F1, football, and table tennis before settling on snooker (or pool or billiards or one of those non-sports that have been elevated to a ridiculous status. Sports involving hitting balls around a table are activities for washing down beer, not sports). Outside, the wind, which had been breezing all morning, was starting to pick up, and the cloud cover seemed to be getting thicker. There was- still is- a certain energy in the air, a certain ragged, still unfocussed edge to the weather suggestive of another of those summer storms that hit hard and fast, leaving the air scrubbed clean and the city battered but grateful. I decided it was time to move, so availed myself of a certain facility then paid the bill.
The combination of spring weather and my workload have left me feeling permanently worn out, but I was picking up some restless energy from the air and feeling in need of at least a stroll, so hung a left on stepping out the restaurant door and wandered down through the alley. The, umm, “bar”- a bar of a kind I’m not sure I’m young enough to venture into for curiosity’s sake anymore- just 20 metres on had a cop car parked out front. There was a cop and a civilian outside the bar talking, partly to each other, partly the cop on a cellphone. A security guard was standing by the car- an old Santana station wagon, lights still flashing- with another sitting on the car’s back seat, both looked eternally bored. Nothing was happening, sorry, no excitement to report. And so I wandered on.
I stopped in the market whose name I never remember, the one roughly at the mid-point of Wusheng Lu, and decided to sift through the DVD stalls. Slim pickings. I think that’s the first time I’ve been DVD shopping and left with only one DVD- Jia Zhangke’s latest. They also had one claiming to be Iris Chang’s The Rape of Nanking, but I’ve seen and read that a long time ago, and I’m more interested in seeing the two new ones, Lu Chuan’s and the one about John Rabe, at least to see what the fuss is about.
On my way out of the market, some middle aged guy waving a broom was sprinting around making weird noises like he was trying to call a mutant cat and yelling about a 耗子- a mouse or rat, that he insisted was huge. It apparently ran under the pot plants in the pot plant/goldfish store, and a couple of kids and one or two of the neighbouring shopkeepers gathered around, one getting another broom to help the first guy flush the giant rat out. I decided to hang around to see just how big this rat was- and in the process, heard a woman at a stall behind me point out to her neighbour that I’m from New Zealand (I’m wearing my Kiwi Club t-shirt, all she needed to do to figure out my nationality was to read). No luck. The rat- which by this time others were insisting was just a little mouse- had managed to disappear in that way rodents have of disappearing into holes us big, dumb humans can’t see.
So I wandered down another lane, one that runs parallel to the one I’d come down, that pops out on the northern side of the hotel built on top of what not too many years back was a stinky canal, the sky getting heavier and seemingly more pregnant, but the wind seeming to die off a little. The lane isn’t much, just a stretch of hastily laid concrete lined with apartment blocks varying from that ’50s or ’60s, brick, 5 to 7 storey barracks style up to medium high rises built probably in the 90s, but very few buildings younger than 10 years old, bisected by a high-tension power line that puts a convenient break in the apartment blocks allowing for a small, make-shift park with a few trees and some sparsely-grassed dirt.
Popping out on Xidawang Lu, I stopped in Dia for a few supplies, then came home.
The breeze isn’t as strong as it was this morning, but even so the sky seems darker. Feels unsettled in that late-spring, early summer way. Weather-wise, it’s a very comfortable day for a Wellington lad.
Yeah, I s’pose I should be busy googling around for evidence to convict certain of my students of plagiarism, but it’s the kind of day that requires laziness, the kind of day that demands to be wasted.
tired, burnt, newpassported
Not much is grabbing my inspiration right now. Besides, it’s hot and sticky and I’m worn out.
I also have a new passport, which is currently in the PSB getting my residence permit transferred and extended.
But that’s all irrelevant.
For a while now I’ve felt about ranting on one particular subject: The ipod. Well, no, MP3 players in general. And I don’t mean the software you can install on your computer allowing you to listen to music, I mean specifically the ipod-style machines you can carry around so your life gets its own, personal soundtrack.
I just don’t get it. Why do so many people feel a ridiculous need to walk around with plugs in their ears off in some dreamland where their life, Hollywood-style, has cool music accompanying every step?
Yeah, alright, music is cool, I like music, I’m listening to music as I write this, but….
But these ipod-types are a pain in the arse. I mean, you see them, you try to talk to them, they look at you blankly like, huh? somebody can intrude into my little dreamland? They eventually remember to pull the bloody plugs out their ears, and you can finally communicate.
But, and here’s an even bigger but, life already comes with a soundtrack. It’s not always as aesthetically pleasing as that on your ipod, but it is better. Much as I like music, when I’m out and about, or even most of the time I’m sitting here at this computer, I definitely prefer to hear that natural soundtrack. Well, it’s not all natural, but even the roar of an expressway is more important to me than whatever’s on your ipod.
It’s like this: I do not understand why you ipod types feel the need to cut yourselves off from the real world. You seal yourselves into a little bubble and cease to interact with the world around you. Why? I just don’t understand why you’d do that.
Unplug for a minute or two, wherever you are. If you’re at home and north of the equator, where it’s getting warm again, open your windows. If you’re out, pull those bloody plugs out your ears. Let it soak in: The rumble of distant traffic, children’s laughter or crying, grandparents gossiping, the distant rumble of traffic, wind in the leaves…. That, kiddywinkles, is the world you live in. It’s a beautifulfuckedupcool place. It comes with a soundtrack pre-installed. Open your ears, kick back, relax, absorb.
See, I dunno, seems to me that just as all this fancy new technology is increasing our options for social interaction, it’s also increasing our ability to seal ourselves off, and as generally anti-social as I am, I don’t understand why anybody would want to do that. One thing I like about the warmer months of the year is to sit here in front of my computer with the sounds of life as it is lived wafting through the open window. It’s part of being human. Part of the beauty of the silence of Jingshan Park is the distant murmur of the inner-city bustle from beyond the park walls.
Somehow Eleanor Rigby seems appropriate for this particular rant.
But there’s no need to be so disengaged, isolated, lonely. It’s a simple matter of choosing to hear what’s happening around you instead of listening to some silly, contrived attempt at Hollywoodising life.
Pathetic, I know, but rant 完了.
cape number seven
Posted by wangbo in tilting at windmills on May 4, 2009
So a couple of weeks back I did a little DVD shopping in a nearby market. I watched most of the films pretty quickly, but somehow 《海角7号》/Cape No. 1 sat there alone, neglected, unwatched. Until last night, when I decided to watch it. It’s a pretty fun film, and I enjoyed it, but….
First, Tomoko, the Japanese translator, reminded me of a hell of a lot of expats I’ve met, with the exception that even after learning the local language (well, Guoyu, at least) to the point of conversational/business fluency, she was still constantly angry and frustrated with the hopeless bloody locals who can’t get anything right. In my experience, expats in China with a similar level of fluency tend to be better adjusted than that.
Imagine a film set in a small, coastal town in New Zealand, a town that would soon be hosting a music festival on the beach and that was trying to cobble together a local rock band for the opening act. The festival organisers work for an English company and are constantly telling the locals, “Oh, you have no talent here”, “Y’know, the big English rock star will be arriving soon, and you’d better be ready,” “You know, England isn’t happy with the way things are going,” and so on in that vein.
Now, for New Zealand substitute Taiwan, and in place of English and England, put Japanese and Japan.
Yeah, that whole subtext of the film just creeped me out.
Is it really possible for the colonised to keep themseles colonised long after the coloniser has left and given up all colonial authority?
vaccine confidence? over-confidence?
Posted by wangbo in Chinese study, news on May 2, 2009
Well, it reads a bit much like advertorial, and it’s going to stretch my medical vocab (in both English and Chinese), but here’s an odd little article boasting of Beijing’s ability to produce H1N1 vaccine on a large scale:
Beijing has capacity for large-scale production of swine flu vaccine
Beijing already has the capacity for large-scale production of a swine flu vaccine, with annual production of up to 20 million vaccines. This reporter learnt from the SINOVAC Biotech yesterday that the company’s pandemic influenza production line can respond to the latest strain of H1N1 swine flu to appear, quickly using this strain as a model for using this strain, using the virus to undertake vaccine production. There is no need to carry out new vaccine research and development or clinical studies.
“自猪流感疫情出现以来,我们一直密切关注疫情的发展,也积极与相关国际组织取得联系,争取获得更多的资源和信息以分析进行疫苗研发的可行性。”科兴公司 有关负责人透露,目前已获得相关部门的反馈信息,并设置专人负责与中国疾控中心、国家药监局以及相关国际组织保持沟通,以确保在国内有需求时,能第一时间 获得毒种进行疫苗的制备。
“Since the appearance of the swine flu epidemic, we have been paying close attention to its development and actively developing contacts with related international organsations, striving to obtain more resources and information to analyse the feasibility of carrying out vaccine research and development.” The relevant person in charge at SINOVAC revealed that they had already received feedback from the relevant departments, and had assigned a person to take charge of maintaining communications with the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the State Food and Drug Administration, and relevant international organisations to ensure that virus seed for vaccine production can be obtained as soon as it is needed in China.
目前,世界卫生组织正在积极从人感染猪流感患者体内分离毒株,进而通过筛选制备出可供生产新疫苗的毒株,该毒株制备时间大约需要1个月左右。记者了解到, 一旦获得可供制备疫苗的毒株,科兴公司便可以按照特别审批程序,在国家药监局批准后立即启动生产。从获得新毒株到拿到疫苗批签发合格证书,大约需要4个月 时间。
At present, the World Health Organisation is actively separating the strain of virus from samples taken from victims of human swine flu, and after screening will prepare a strain which can be supplied for new vaccine production. About one month will be needed for preparation of this strain. This reporter learned that as soon as a strain for vaccine preparation is obtained, SINOVAC, according to special procedures for examination and approval, after the approval of the SFDA, immediately start production. From obtaining the virus strain to issuing the standard certificate will take about 4 months.
北京科兴公司曾为“非典”和禽流感研制生产疫苗,该公司研制的大流行流感疫苗已经于2008年4月获得生产批件,并承担了北京奥运会及国家储备的任务。此 前在国家发改委等部门的支持下形成了年产2000万支大流行流感疫苗的生产能力。这意味着北京科兴公司已经具备了生产大流行流感疫苗的技术条件和生产能 力。
SINOVAC has developed vacciines for SARS and bird flu, and received its production licence for the pandemic influenza vaccines it develops in April, 2008, and has assumed responsibility for the Beijing Olympics and State stocks. With the support of the State Development and Reform Committee and other departments it has formed and annual production capacity of 20 million doses of pandemic influenza vaccine. This shows SINOVAC already has the technological conditions and production capacity to produce pandemic influenza vaccines.
Right, so there’s a few of the more convoluted and/or technical sentences that I have definitely fluffed, so as always, corrections are welcome.
And as I said, it reads to me a bit much like advertorial, something put out there to reassure the populace that we’re all perfectly safe… But I’m not sure I feel reassured by that “no need to carry out new vaccine research and development or clinical studies” in the last sentence of the first paragraph.
Oh, and SINOVAC’s website seems to have more relevant information here, especially the stuff in red.