It lacks only a little
For all the talk of cultural differences, it’s amazing the similarities that can be seen if only you look. One could be forgiven for thinking
ramblings of an expat Kiwi living in one small corner of Beijing
I suppose I should be out taking advantage of the beautiful weather, getting fresh air
Yesterday afternoon lzh and I wandered over to Beiyu (English). I wanted to look at
So it seems the red-crowned crane is the only bird suitable for China’s national bird.
Thursday afternoons I have a two hour class at an oil company down near Gulou.
So I got the business district class… Not that that means anything to you. Anyway,
So I said I’d write something about that latest article I downloaded from the Sino-Platonic
Came across this from Pinyin Info yesterday. Sino-Platonic papers has released another back issue (pbloodydbloodyf