
Going away parties are always usually fun, but it’s never good to be saying goodbye to yet another friend. But it’s worse when you have to bail on a party because you suddenly get sick.

There I was in The Tree with some friends enjoying good pizza and a De Koninck when suddenly I feel hot and a little light-headed, my mouth goes dry and my stomach goes into reverse. The worst part was I had a mouthful of pizza at the time. I thought, rather hopefully, perhaps it’s just a reaction to this Western food I don’t eat that much of anymore. But after about half an hour trying to sit it out hoping the feeling would pass, nope, time to go home. And I must’ve gone really pale or something, because everybody’s looking at me funny asking if I’m alright. Well, I was hoping I would turn alright, but I didn’t. So, home, medicine, crash.

I’m still feeling a bit tired and headachy, but better than last night.

And while I’m ranting: Laptop screens are not supposed to flicker, and this one is supposed to have been fixed. Gah.

So, yeah, great start to the weekend.

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