
Well, so much for putting more money on the internet account and catching up with that paperwork- stuff that needed to be done on the office computer. Somehow the computer building, where our office and the internet office are located, has had no electricity all day. No idea why, nobody seems to know when the power will be back on. Somehow the network is still up and running, though…. So either the servers are located somewhere else or they have their own power supply or they have a backup power supply, or they’re powered by teams of hamsters running on wheels hooked up to generators. Or perhaps it’s just magic.

I think the weather at midday today could only have been described as “evil”, as in it would make a good example of what the city would look like if the Niulanshan Ergoutou distillery exploded, leaking giant clouds of evil over the city. Ergoutou, after all, is distilled from 100% pure evil. Other drinks are generally made from grains or grapes or other fruits.  Somehow, though, the air seems clearer now than it did at midday, which is odd considering there doesn’t seem to be any more wind than there was at midday. Clearer, but still tasty. I vaguely remember a time when I lived in a place where the air had no flavour….

Still, I knew it was going to be a bad day when I looked out the window this morning and saw the smoke from a nearby chimney rising straight up. In general, no wind means the pollution settles itself comfortably over the city, stretches its legs, and reaches for the remote.

Oh such a productive day…. Hopefully the power will be back on in the computer building tomorrow. Then I might make some real progress in catching up with this paperwork. And besides, it’s just plain sad: What is the computer department supposed to do with no electricity? Install hand cranks on the computers?

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