
Thanks to Micah for the reminder– in fact, I don’t understand how I could’ve forgotten this, but anyway:

On the way back from picking up my residence permit on Friday (which I thought at the time was Thursday- yeah, I’m on summer holiday time), as the taxi was very slowly making its way past Dongbianmen, one of those new superfast, supercool trains was pulling into Beijing Zhan, you know, the CRH or whatever they’re called- å’Œè°?å?· (Harmony). Apart from the name, that’s a pretty damn styley train, very cool looking.

Really, how could I have forgotten that? I mean, that’s right up there with seeing a North Korean-flagged coastal freighter chugging through Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong or a North Korean airliner sitting on the tarmac at Beijing airport in full view of every vehicle and passenger entering the airport in terms of sights to remember. Except, of course, that those Nork sightings are for the ‘Oh, how odd’ basket, and the CRH sighting is for the ‘Wah! So cool!’ basket.

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