willing to change?

Here’s an interesting piece, which claims, among other things, that 69% of Chinese consumers are willing to change their lifestyles to help climate change… or should that be to help climate not change, or to help the climate change as little as possible… Anyway, 新京报/The Beijing News’ Liao Ailing reports:


69% of Chinese would like to “change their lives” for climate


Beijing Consumers’ Association and The Climate Group announce climate change consumer survey


The Beijing municipal Consumer’s Association and The Climate Group yesterday jointly announced the report on their “Climate Change” consumer survey. The results show that “power saving” has become a key point when consumers are choosing a product, and 69% of Chinese consumers would like to change their lifestyles in order to help slow climate change.


This survey aimed to understand such things as the connection between climate change and consumer rights and interests, the influence of climate change on people’s consumption behaviour, and whether or not consumers would be willing to pay for power-saving appliances. The survey was carried out in China, the UK and the USA, and surveyed 1000 consumers in Beijing, Shanghai and 14 other large cities in China.


The survey showed that after the economy, social unrest and natural disasters, “climate change” had become the fourth biggest global problem in consumers’ minds. In choosing products, “power saving” has become a particular focus for consumers.

Yep, it’s a short piece, and followed by an even shorter piece of related news that doesn’t grab my attention right now (blame four straight writing classes for that) about 87 pieces of technology to help Beijing to conserve power and reduce emissions. Alright, it’s short and after that I guess I have to translate it. It’s by TBN’s Wu Di, this time:


87 items of technology to help Beijing conserve power and reduce emissions

昨天,在国际节能环保展信息发布会上,市发改委首次发布《北京市2008年节能节水减排技术推广计划》。该计划包 括17大类共87项节能节水减排技术,包括绿色照明、太阳能利用、节水等多项和居民生活密切相关的技术。根据该计划,北京市室内室外照明、景观照明、道路 交通照明、广场公共场所照明等都将推广绿色照明技术。有10项绿色照明技术将被应用于这些方面。

At yesterday’s news conference at the international Energy-Saving and Environmental Protection Exhibition, the municipal development and reform commission announced the “2008 Beijing Municipal Plan to Popularise Energy Conservation, Water Conservation and Emissions Reduction Technology”. This plan includes 17 major types of technology closely related to residents lives, totalling 87 energy conservation, water conservation and emissions reduction technologies covering areas such as green lighting, exploitation of solar energy and water conservation. According to this plan, green lighting will be popularised in Beijing’s indoor and outdoor lighting, scenic spot lighting, street lighting, and square and public space lighting. 10 green lighting technologies will be used in these areas.

And I’m thinking: 69% is a pretty healthy majority (forcing myself to be optimistic), but it’s still till low (back to my realistic self), but at least, as in public transport, there’s at least some semblance of a pretty decent push forwards from the municipal government.

And I also have to wonder what the figures from those parts of the survey done in the US and UK were…

About the Author


A Kiwi teaching English to oil workers in Beijing, studying Chinese in my spare time, married to a beautiful Beijing lass, consuming vast quantities of green tea (usually Xihu Longjing/西湖龙井, if that means anything to you), eating good food (except for when I cook), missing good Kiwi ale, breathing smog, generally living as best I can outside Godzone and having a good time of it.

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