not unexpected

This article in The Beijing News/新京报 should not come as a surprise:


Beijing to begin investigations into temporary residence permit holders for Olympic security · 2008-2-22 8:09:26 · 来源: 新京报

22-2-2008 8:09:26. Source: The Beijing News


Continuing 39 days from today; the floating population residing in Beijing will still be required to apply for permits, those refusing to apply could be fined 50 yuan.

TBJ’s Wang Shu (王姝) reports:


From today to the 31 March, Beijing Police will  inspect the identity documents of the floating population throughout the whole city, all those meeting the requirements must apply for a temporary residence permit. The Police say one of the goals of this measure is to create a secure and harmonious public security environment for the Olympics.


Four goals to achieve by registering for temporary residence permits


The Population Management Office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau yesterday stated this was called the “Legally registering for permits, together building a safe and sound Olympics” special exercise, lasting 39 days, with four goals to be achieved, namel strengthening the basic registration of the floating population and rental accomodations; comprehensively grasping the base number of Beijing’s floating population; implementing service protection measures; and creating a secure and harmonious public security environment to maintain Olympic security.


People newly arrived in Beijing to register one by one

“提醒广大来京的暂住人员,主动到暂住地派出所办理暂住证”,人口管理处相关负责人表示,本次专项行动中,北京各 公安分县局、派出所将指导流动人口管理员,展开代办暂住证服务。尚未登记办证、新来京人员,将逐一登记;凡符合办证条件者,全部办证。如证件有效期已满, 逐人重新审核,换发新证。

“Remind all those temporarily residing in Beijing, take the intiative to register for a temporary residence permit at your local police station”, the relevant person in charge of the Population Management Office stated that in this special campaign, all Beijing’s local Public Security Bureaux and police stations would direct managers of the floating population to open services for applying for temporary residence permits. Those who have not yet registered and persons recently arrived in Beijing would register one by one; all those meeting the requirements would register. Where documents had expired, people would be re-examined and new documents issued.


Currently the longest term of validity for temporary residence permits in Beijing is one year. Those needing to continue their temporary residence must apply for an extension and go through the formalities before the expiration of their permit; if a temporary residence permit is lost, they should go to the police station to get a replacement; members of the floating population who own their own home in Beijing must apply for the same temporary residence permit.

警方称,活动期间将在流动人口返京集中地区,如机场、火车站、客运长途汽车站、高速路收费站等主要进京通道,及流 动人口聚居区、大型市场、建筑工地,设立宣传点,宣传《治安管理处罚法》、《北京市外地来京人员户籍管理规定》、《北京市房屋租赁管理若干规定》、公安部 《暂住证申领办法》,并现场解答群众办证咨询。

The Police said that during the exercise period they would establish publicity stations at important channels where the floating population re-enters Beijing, such as the airport, railway stations, long-distance bus stations, and expressway toll booths, and in floating population residential areas, large-scale markets, and construction sites, to publicise the “Law on Public Security Management and Punishment”, the “Beijing Municipal Regulation on the Registration and Management of People Coming to Beijing from Other Areas”, the “Certain Beijing Municipal Regulations on Property Rental and Management”, and the Ministry of Public Security’s “Method for Application for Temporary Residence Permits”, and would advise people on the applications for permits at these stations.

Punishing illegal property rental at the same time


The Population Management Office indicated that at the same time as it investigates and inspects the identity documents of the floating population, the Police would also punish every kind of illegal behaviour in the property rental, in this way strengthening the consciousness of “legal renting out and fulfillment of legal responsibilities” of landlords to attain an increase in the rate of registration of the floating population.


Beijing Police are currently carrying out a city-wide special police investigation of residence permits which will continue until the end of this month. These two special campaings from beginning to end will make it clear that in the lead up to the Olympics Beijing is strengthening its management of the floating population.


Five kinds of people must apply for temporary residence permits


According to the Ministry of Public Security’s “Method for Application for Temporary Residence Permits”,  a temporary residence permit is a certificate of temporary residence in a place other than a citizen’s place of registered permanent residence.


All of the following people over the age of 16 who leave their registered place of permanent residence and plan to live for more than one month in a place of temporary residence, at the same time as registering their declaration of temporary residence, should apply for a temporary residence permit:


People hired by offices, organisations, enterprises, and public institutions;


People involved in industry, the handicraft industry, construction and transportation;


People involved in commerce, the food and beverage industry, maintenance and the service industry;


People involved in horticulture and livestock breeding;


Other people who need to apply for temporary residence permits.

Don’t you just love the delicious vagueness of that last clause? Worded so that it could apply to basically anyone 16 years of age (oh, and that’s by Western counting, just to make that clear- those Westerners would call 15 but Chinese would call 16 by the traditional method are not subject to this regulation) and living away from the address in their hukou (residence registration) for more than one month. Given the emphasis on industries and occupations, I would assume that fifth clause is meant to cover people working in some field the Ministry of Public Security didn’t think of when they drew up the regulation, but I’m neither lawyer nor bureaucrat nor cop, so don’t quote me on that.

Anyway, this is followed up on the same page with what seems like a separate (and older?) article by the same journalist, Wang Shu:

■ 处理



50 yuan fine for those refusing to register for a temporary residence permit


 The Police have not clearly explained whether or not the temporary residence permit is a certificate for temporary stays in Beijing during the Olympics


What punishment will people refusing to apply for a temporary residence permit receive? Will the temporary residence permit serve as an identity document for members of the floating population staying temporarily in Beijing over the Olympics or not? The Beijing Police did not set out a clear explanation of this yesterday. According to the Ministry of Public Security’s “Method for Application for Temporary Residence Permits”, people refusing to apply for temporary residence permits will face two kinds of punishment: A fine of 50 yuan or less or a warning.


The information divulged by the Population Management Office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau yesterday explains that one of the bases of this city-wide inspection of temporary residence permits of the floating population is the enforcement of the Ministry of Public Security’s “Method for Application for Temporary Residence Permits”. This ministry’s regulation states clearly that they don’t apply for a temporary residence permit according to the regulations or having been notified by the public security organs refuse to rectify their situation, the person directly responsible or the person temporarily residing could be fined up to 50 yuan or given a warning.


At the same time, the”Method for Application for Temporary Residence Permits” stipulates that those who fraudulently obtain, falsely claim, or forge temporary residence permits can be fined up to 500 yuan or issued a warning; if a person without a temporary residence permit is hired, the lawyer or person directly responsible can be fined up to 1000 yuan or issued a warning.


After the abolition in 2003 of the “Management Method for Internment and Repatriation”, many cities in China cancelled temporary residence permits.

■ 背景



5 years of management of the floating population is almost a “vacuum”


The person in charge at the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau has already frankly acknowledged that after the abolition in 2003 of the “Management Method for Internment and Repatriation”, the management of Beijing’s floating population was basically in a vacuum.


According to a grassroots police officer, after 2003, the registration of temporary residence permits mostly depended on the people taking the initiative. To increase the rate of registration, police often make visits. Although the legislation has fines and other provisions, in the last 5 years, the police have very rarely used disciplinary measures against those who have not or refuse to apply for temporary residence permits.


After the weakening of the power to enforce temporary residence permits, how big a floating population does Beijing actually have? Officials have never had accurate data. The Beijing Police all have publicly showing “The grasping of the basic number of the floating population” as the main goal of carrying out the two special operations of the 3000 police making a door-to-door investigation and the inspection of temporary residence permits of the floating population.



About the Author


A Kiwi teaching English to oil workers in Beijing, studying Chinese in my spare time, married to a beautiful Beijing lass, consuming vast quantities of green tea (usually Xihu Longjing/西湖龙井, if that means anything to you), eating good food (except for when I cook), missing good Kiwi ale, breathing smog, generally living as best I can outside Godzone and having a good time of it.

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