back, and married again

We’re back. We’re married again, this time in the Chinese cultural sense to match our legal status. It was all good, and all went off with only a few very minor hassles. My parents coped spectacularly well with the whole experience, even staying one night out in the village. Well, the found it cold (surprise, surprise), but they enjoyed the experience. And I’ve discovered they love sweet and sour pork.

We got the DVDs of the wedding back today on our way back (two copies: one for us, one for my parents to take back to New Zealand), and we’re watching our copy now. It’s pretty funny.

We also stopped off at Badaling on the way back so Mum and Dad could actually climb the Great Wall and see it up close and personal instead of just racing past on the bus. Badaling was all I expected it to be, but blessedly lacking in hordes of tourists. Still, the north wind blew up strong by the time we got there, and I think the temperature dropped just a little bit further below Mum and Dad’s comfort zone.

Anyway, more later when time and energy allow.

About the Author


A Kiwi teaching English to oil workers in Beijing, studying Chinese in my spare time, married to a beautiful Beijing lass, consuming vast quantities of green tea (usually Xihu Longjing/西湖龙井, if that means anything to you), eating good food (except for when I cook), missing good Kiwi ale, breathing smog, generally living as best I can outside Godzone and having a good time of it.

2 thoughts on “back, and married again

  1. Good to hear it all went well. Sounds like your parents coped with the whole trip to China much better than you anticipated in that earlier entry of yours.

    And if you’ve been married twice, does that mean you can have two children – one for each marriage? You’ll also have to get divorced twice as well. Oh dear. It’s all very confusing.

  2. Yeah, you were right, I was worrying too much, and it turns out they can cope just fine.

    By the time we’re finished, we’ll have been married three times and have three wedding anniversaries. Confusing? No: Legal marriage: Christmas Day, 2006; Chinese cultural ceremony: November 30, 2007; New Zealand cultural/church ceremony: To Be Advised.

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